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Canto XXIX - 神曲(The Divine Comedy) 英文版 - - 趣词英...

Canto XXIX is the twenty-ninth canto of Dante Alighieri's epic poem, The Divine Comedy. It is part of the third and final section, Paradise, and depicts Dante's journey through the celestial spheres. In this canto, Dante encounters the souls of the blessed who have achieved the highest level of spiritual enlightenment.

Pronunciation: [kan-toh twen-tee-nine]


Canto XXIX is a significant part of The Divine Comedy as it marks the beginning of Dante's ascent to the highest level of heaven. It serves as a reflection on human nature and the ultimate goal of attaining spiritual perfection.

Canto XXIX - 神曲(The Divine Comedy) 英文版 - - 趣词英...

Example Sentences:

1. In Canto XXIX, Dante is guided by Beatrice through the eighth sphere, known as the sphere of fixed stars.

2. The souls in Canto XXIX are described as shining with a divine light that reflects their pureness and closeness to God.

3. As Dante reaches Canto XXIX, he begins to understand that true happiness lies in achieving spiritual fulfillment rather than earthly pleasures.

4. Through Canto XXIX, Dante learns that each soul in heaven has a unique role in maintaining cosmic harmony.

5. The souls in Canto XXIX are portrayed as being in constant awe and praise of God's greatness.

Synonyms and Usage:

Canto XXIX can also be referred to as "Song Twenty-Nine" or "Chapter Twenty-Nine". It is often used interchangeably with "Paradiso - Canto XXIX", which refers to its placement within The Divine Comedy.

Editor's Summary:

Canto XXIX is a pivotal moment in The Divine Comedy where Dante begins his final ascent towards ultimate enlightenment. Through vivid descriptions and encounters with blessed souls, this canto serves as a reminder of the importance of spiritual growth and finding true happiness within oneself.


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