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1. cannonball是指一种球形的炮弹,通常用于大型火炮,也可以用于炮手游戏中的武器。:The cannonball flew through the air and hit the target with a loud boom.(炮弹在空中飞过,发出巨大的轰鸣声,击中了目标。)

2. cannonball的读音为['kænənˌbɔːl],其中重音在第二个音节。它由cannon和ball两个单词组合而成,意为“炮弹”。

3. cannonball也可以用作动词,意为“以球形飞跃进入水中”。:The kids love to cannonball into the pool on hot summer days.(孩子们喜欢在炎热的夏天跳入游泳池里。)

4. 以下是cannonball的用例:

- The pirate ship fired a barrage of cannonballs at the enemy vessel.


- The kids had a competition to see who could do the biggest cannonball into the lake.


- The museum had a display of different types of cannonballs used throughout history.


- The soldier loaded the cannon with a heavy iron cannonball.


- The cannonball left a large dent in the wall of the castle.


5. 组词:cannonball可以和其他单词组合成不同的词汇,:

- cannonball run(汽车拉力赛)

- cannonball tree(炮弹树,一种南美洲的植物)

- cannonball jellyfish(水母炮弹,一种水母)

- cannonball express(特快火车)

6. 中英文对照:


The cannonball is a spherical projectile used in large firearms and can also be used as a weapon in video games.


The pronunciation of cannonball is ['kænənˌbɔːl], with the stress on the second syllable. It is formed by combining the words "cannon" and "ball", meaning "projectile".


In addition to being a noun, cannonball can also be used as a verb, meaning "to jump into water in a ball-like shape".

cannonball还可以和其他单词组合成不同的词汇,cannonball run(汽车拉力赛)、cannonball tree(炮弹树)、cannonball jellyfish(水母炮弹)等。

Cannonball can also be combined with other words to form different vocabulary, such as "cannonball run", "cannonball tree", "cannonball jellyfish", etc.



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