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1. boulder是指一块大石头,通常指直径超过25.6厘米的大型岩石。这种岩石通常是由风化或冰川运动形成的,具有圆形或椭圆形的外观,表面光滑。:The trail was blocked by a large boulder.(小径被一块大石头挡住了。)

2. boulder的读音为['boʊldər],重音在第一个音节上。这个单词的发音比较简单,但要注意发音时要将“l”发出来,不要省略。:He tripped over a boulder in the dark.(他在黑暗中绊倒了一块大石头。)

3. boulder作为名词时,可以用来表示一个地区或景观中突出的巨大岩石。:We climbed over the boulders to reach the of the mountain.(我们爬过那些巨石到达山顶。)

4. 作为动词时,boulder表示移动或搬运大型岩石。:The workers spent all day bouldering the rocks for the new park.(工人们花了一整天时间搬运那些新公园里的岩石。)

5. 这个单词也可以用来比喻表示一个难以克服的障碍或困难。:The team faced many boulders on their way to success.(这个团队在通往成功的路上面临着许多挑战。)


1. boulder field (巨石地带)

2. boulder hopping (跳跃巨石)

3. boulder-strewn (遍布巨石的)

4. boulder garden (巨石花园)

5. boulder climbing (攀爬巨石)


1. boulder是指一块大石头,通常指直径超过25.6厘米的大型岩石。这种岩石通常是由风化或冰川运动形成的,具有圆形或椭圆形的外观,表面光滑。

2. boulder的读音为['boʊldər],重音在第一个音节上。

3. 作为动词时,boulder表示移动或搬运大型岩石。

4. 作为名词时,可以用来表示一个地区或景观中突出的巨大岩石。

5. 这个单词也可以用来比喻表示一个难以克服的障碍或困难。

1.boulder is a large rock, usually referring to a large stone with a diameter of more than 25.6 centimeters. This type of rock is often formed by weathering or glacial movement, with a round or oval appearance and a smooth surface.

2. The pronunciation of boulder is ['boʊldər], with the stress on the first syllable.

3. As a verb, boulder means to move or transport large rocks.

4. As a noun, it can be used to describe a prominent giant rock in an area or landscape.

5. This word can also be used metaphorically to describe an obstacle or difficulty that is difficult to overcome.


1.boulder是指一块大石头,通常指直径超过25.6厘米的大型岩石。这种岩石通常是由风化或冰川运动形成的,具有圆形或椭圆形的外观,表面光滑。:The trail was blocked by a large boulder.(小径被一块大石头挡住了。)

2.boulder的读音为['boʊldər],重音在第一个音节上。这个单词的发音比较简单,但要注意发音时要将“l”发出来,不要省略。:He tripped over a boulder in the dark.(他在黑暗中绊倒了一块大石头。)

3.boulder作为名词时,可以用来表示一个地区或景观中突出的巨大岩石。:We climbed over the boulders to reach the of the mountain.(我们爬过那些巨石到达山顶。)

4.作为动词时,boulder表示移动或搬运大型岩石。:The workers spent all day bouldering the rocks for the new park.(工人们花了一整天时间搬运那些新公园里的岩石。)

5.这个单词也可以用来比喻表示一个难以克服的障碍或困难。:The team faced many boulders on their way to success.(这个团队在通往成功的路上面临着许多挑战。)


1.boulder is pronounced as ['boʊldər], with the stress on the first syllable.

2.The pronunciation of this word is relatively simple, but be sure to pronounce the "l" sound and not omit it.

3.You can listen to its pronunciation on online dictionaries or language learning websites.

4.Practice saying it out loud to improve your pronunciation and make sure you are pronouncing it correctly.

5.Remember that proper pronunciation is important for effective communication and understanding.




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