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1. bony是指骨头的,含有很多骨头的,或者像骨头一样瘦弱的。:The old man's face was bony and gaunt.(那位老人的脸上布满了骨头,非常瘦弱。)

2. bony的读音为['bəʊnɪ],音标为/bəʊni/。

3. bony在句子中可以作形容词,表示“瘦弱的”、“有很多骨头的”,也可以作名词,表示“骨质”。:

- His bony fingers gripped the edge of the table.(他瘦弱的手指紧紧抓住桌子边缘。)

- The bony structure of the building was exposed after the fire.(大火之后,建筑物的骨架暴露出来。)

4. 以下是bony在句子中的用例:

- She has a bony face with high cheekbones.


- The doctor could feel the bony protrusion on her wrist.


- The dog gnawed on a bony piece of meat.


- The bony remains of the ancient animal were discovered in the desert.


- The bony structure of the bridge was damaged in the earthquake.



1. bony-faced(脸上有很多骨头的)

2. bony fingers(瘦弱的手指)

3. bony structure(骨架)

4. bony protrusion(突出的骨头)

5. bony remains(遗骸)


1. His bony fingers gripped the edge of the table.


2. The old man's face was bony and gaunt.


3. She has a bony face with high cheekbones.


4. The doctor could feel the bony protrusion on her wrist.


5. The dog gnawed on a bony piece of meat.



Bony一词可以表示“骨头的”、“瘦弱的”或者作名词,表示“骨质”。其读音为['bəʊnɪ],音标为/bəʊni/。在句子中可以作形容词或者名词,常用来描述人或物体具有很多骨头、瘦弱或者骨架暴露等情况。:“The old man's face was bony and gaunt.”(那位老人的脸上布满了骨头,非常瘦弱。)通过以上例句可以看出,bony这个词在表达时需要根据具体语境来理解其含义。


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