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1. She approached the problem differently, with a new perspective. (她用不同的视角来解决这个问题。)


2. The two paintings were created differently, one with oil and the other with watercolor. (这两幅画是用不同的方法创作的,一幅用油画,另一幅用水彩。)

3. The siblings were treated differently by their parents, causing jealousy between them. (兄弟姐妹被父母对待方式不同,导致他们之间产生了嫉妒。)

4. The twins may look alike, but they behave very differently from each other. (这对双胞胎可能长得很像,但他们的行为却截然不同。)

5. Different cultures celebrate weddings differently, some with elaborate ceremonies and others with simple gatherings. (不同的文化以不同的方式庆祝婚礼,有些人会举行盛大的仪式,而有些人则只是简单聚会。)

differently [ˈdɪfrəntlɪ]

adv. 不同地;有差异地



1. Different people react to stress differently - some may become angry while others may become withdrawn. (每个人对压力的反应都不一样 - 有些人可能会变得愤怒,而其他人可能会变得退缩。)

2. The company's new marketing strategy is to target younger customers and approach them differently through social media. (公司的新营销策略是针对年轻客户,并通过社交媒体以不同的方式接触他们。)

3. The teacher explained the concept to the students differently, using examples that they could relate to. (老师用学生能理解的例子来向他们解释这个概念。)

4. Some people see failure as a setback, while others see it differently - as an opportunity to learn and improve. (有些人把失败看作是挫折,而其他人则以不同的方式看待它 - 作为学习和改进的机会。)

5. The artist's work is often interpreted differently by critics and audiences, showing the subjectivity of art. (艺术家的作品经常被评论家和观众以不同的方式解读,显示了艺术的主观性。)


1. Distinctly [dɪˈstɪŋktli] adv. 明显地;清楚地:指某件事物或情况与其他事物或情况有明显区别。

2. Disparately [dɪˈspærətli] adv. 不同地;差异地:指某件事物或情况与其他事物或情况有明显差异。

3. Diversely [daɪˈvɜːrsli] adv. 不同地;多样地:指某件事物或情况具有多样性。

4. Distinctively [dɪˈstɪŋktɪvli] adv. 独特地;有特色地:指某件事物或情况具有独特的特点。

5. Contrarily [kənˈtrerəli] adv. 相反地;对立地:指某件事物或情况与其他事物或情况相反。




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