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bottomless pit

['ˈbɒtəmləs pit]

bottomless pit


bottomless pit is an idiom that refers to something that seems endless, especially in terms of money or time.

1. 他的欠债就像一个无底洞,永远也还不清。

His debt is like a bottomless pit, it never gets paid off.

2. 这项工程需要投入大量资金,我们似乎掉进了一个无底洞。

This project requires a lot of investment, it seems like we have fallen into a bottomless pit.

3. 她的嫉妒心就像一个无底洞,永远也满足不了。

Her jealousy is like a bottomless pit, it can never be satisfied.

4. 这个的现象就像一个无底洞,永远也解决不了。

The corruption in this country is like a bottomless pit, it can never be solved.

5. 时间就像一个无底洞,我们永远也赶不上它。

Time is like a bottomless pit, we can never catch up with it.


1. endless hole

2. never-ending abyss

3. boundless chasm

4. infinite void

5. unfathomable depth


The idiom "bottomless pit" is often used to describe something that seems infinite or unending, especially in terms of money or time. It can also be used to describe negative emotions or situations that seem impossible to satisfy or resolve. This idiom can be used in both formal and informal contexts and is commonly seen in literature and everyday conversations.

Editor's Summary:

"Bottomless pit" is a commonly used idiom that describes something that seems endless or unending. It can refer to money, time, or negative emotions and situations. This idiom is often used in both formal and informal contexts and has a variety of synonyms such as "endless hole" and "infinite void."


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