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1. exactly的意思:exactly是一个副词,表示“精确地”、“准确地”,也可以用来强调某件事情或者说话的内容是完全正确的。

2. exactly的翻译:在英语中,exactly可以被翻译为“precisely”、“accurately”、“correctly”等,具体翻译取决于句子的语境。

3. 记忆方法:可以通过把单词分解为“exact(准确的)+ ly(副词后缀)”,来帮助记忆单词的意思。


4. 用法:exactly通常用于句子中作为副词,修饰动词、形容词或者其他副词。它可以用来表达某件事情发生的方式、程度或者结果。同时,它也可以用来强调某件事情是完全正确或者符合预期的。

5. 托福例句:

- The teacher asked the students to calculate the math problem exactly, without any mistakes.


- The scientist's experiment was designed to measure the temperature exactly every five minutes.


- The instructions for assembling the furniture were not exactly clear, so I had to ask for help.



exactly的音标为 /ɪɡˈzæktli/,其中第一个音节为重读音节。


1. 修饰动词:exactly可以用来表达某件事情发生的方式或者程度。

- The car sped exactly at the red light.


- The singer hit the high note exactly as planned.


2. 修饰形容词:exactly可以用来强调某件事情是完全正确或者符合预期的。

- The weather forecast was exactly right, it rained all day.


- His description of the suspect matched exactly with the police report.


3. 修饰其他副词:exactly可以用来加强其他副词的语气。

- He spoke exactly like a native speaker, even though he had only been studying English for a year.


- She followed the instructions exactly, and the cake turned out perfectly.



1. The answer to the math problem is exactly 25.


2. The train arrived exactly on time.


3. The recipe must be followed exactly, otherwise the cake won't turn out well.


4. The two paintings are exactly the same, I can't tell which one is original.


5. She knows exactly what she wants in life and works hard to achieve it.



1. precisely:与exactly的意思相同,都表示“精确地”、“准确地”,但precisely更强调精确程度。

2. accurately:也可以表示“精确地”、“准确地”,但与exactly相比,它更强调信息来源可靠、无误差。

3. correctly:也可以表示“正确地”,但通常用于指遵循规则或标准而做出的正确结果。

4. just:也可以表示“刚刚”、“恰好”,但与exactly相比,它更强调时间的紧迫性。

5. precisely、accurately和correctly都可以用作exactly的同义词替换,但just则有不同的用法。


exactly是一个常用的副词,表示“精确地”、“准确地”。它可以修饰动词、形容词或者其他副词,强调某件事情发生的方式、程度或者结果。同时,它也可以用来强调某件事情是完全正确或者符合预期的。除了以上提到的同义词外,还可以根据具体语境使用其他近义词替换。记忆单词时,可以通过把单词分解为“exact(准确的)+ ly(副词后缀)”来帮助记忆。在托福考试中,掌握好exactly的用法和例句,可以帮助我们更准确地表达自己的意思。


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