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Emma Thompson是一位英国演员、编剧和制片人,曾获得奥斯卡奖、金球奖和英国电影学院奖等多项大奖。她出生于1959年4月15日,毕业于剑桥大学,曾在伦敦的剧院和电视剧中表演。Emma Thompson以其精湛的表演技巧和出色的创作能力而闻名,被誉为当代最杰出的女性演员之一。


Emma Thompson [ˈemə ˈtɒmpsən]


作为一个名词,Emma Thompson指的是这位英国女演员本人。作为一个动词,可以用来形容某人的表演或创作风格类似于Emma Thompson。



1. Emma Thompson is a brilliant actress who always brings her characters to life on screen. (Emma Thompson是一位出色的女演员,总能将角色活灵活现地呈现在银幕上。)

2. Her performance in the film "Sense and Sensibility" earned Emma Thompson an Academy Award for Best Actress. (她在电影《理智与情感》中的表演使得Emma Thompson获得了最佳女主角奥斯卡奖。)

3. Many young actresses look up to Emma Thompson as a role model for their careers. (许多年轻女演员将Emma Thompson视为她们事业的榜样。)

4. Emma Thompson's latest film "Late Night" has received critical acclaim and is expected to be a box office success. (Emma Thompson最新的电影《深夜秀》受到了评论界的赞誉,预计会在票房上取得成功。)

5. She was honored with a damehood by Queen Elizabeth II for her contributions to the arts and entertainment industry. (因为她对艺术和娱乐界的贡献,Emma Thompson被英国女王伊丽莎白二世授予了爵位。)


1. Actress - female performer, especially in films or television shows

2. Performer - someone who entertains an audience through acting, singing, or dancing

3. Star - a famous actor or actress who is admired by many people

4. Thespian - an actor or actress, especially one who is skilled in performing on stage


Emma Thompson作为一位杰出的英国女演员,她的名字已经成为了一个品牌,着优秀的表演和创作能力。无论是在电影、电视剧还是舞台上,Emma Thompson都能给观众带来精彩的表演。她不仅仅是一位优秀的演员,更是一位具有深厚文化底蕴和社会责任感的艺术家。无论是作为一个名词还是动词,Emma Thompson都是一个值得尊敬和学习的榜样。


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