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debate [dɪˈbeɪt]


1. debate作为名词使用时,通常指就某个问题或议题进行双方或多方的交流和思考。:

- There was a heated debate over the new policy at the conference.

- The debate between the two candidates was broadcasted live on TV.

2. debate作为动词使用时,通常指就某个问题或议题进行双方或多方的交流和思考。:

- The students debated the pros and cons of social media in class.

- The committee debated the proposal for hours before making a decision.

3. debate还可以用作及物动词,表示“争论某个问题或议题”。:

- The two scholars debated the origins of language.

- The siblings often debate about which movie to watch.

4. debate也可以用作不及物动词,表示“参加辩论或讨论”。:

- She loves to debate and always has strong arguments.

- The students were debating fiercely in the classroom.


1. There is an ongoing debate about whether climate change is caused by human activities or natural factors. 关于气候变化是由人类活动还是自然因素引起的问题,存在着一场持续的辩论。

2. The candidates will have a televised debate before the election to present their policies and ideas to the public. 前,候选人将在电视上进行辩论,向公众展示他们的和想法。

3. The students debated fiercely in class about whether uniforms should be mandatory in schools. 学生们在课堂上激烈地就学校是否应该强制穿校服进行了辩论。

4. My family always debates over where to go for vacation every year, but we always end up going to the same place. 我们家每年总是为度假去哪里而争吵不休,但最终总是去同一个地方。

5. The scientists are debating the validity of the research findings and their implications for future studies. 科学家们正在就研究结果的有效性以及对未来研究的影响进行辩论。


1. argue:作为动词,表示“争论、辩论”,与debate的用法相似,但argue更强调双方或多方之间的激烈争辩。

2. discuss:作为动词,表示“讨论、商议”,与debate的用法相似,但discuss更偏重于探讨问题或议题,并非一定要达成结论。

3. dispute:作为动词,表示“争吵、争论”,与debate的用法相似,但dispute更常用于指两方或多方之间的意见不合。

4. argue for/against:表示“支持/反对某个观点或立场”。:

- The students argued for the importance of art education in schools.

- The politician argued against the new tax policy.

5. have a debate/discussion/dispute:表示“进行一场辩论/讨论/争吵”。:

- The two experts had a heated debate on the ic of climate change.

- My friends and I had a long discussion about our future plans.




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