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1. The meaning of snow is a type of precipitation that falls from clouds in the form of ice crystals.


2. Snow is pronounced as /snoʊ/.


Snow 读音为 /snoʊ/。

3. Snow can be used as a noun to refer to the frozen white flakes that fall from the sky, or as a verb to describe the act of snow falling.


4. Example sentences:

1) It's snowing outside, let's go build a snowman! (外面在下雪,我们去堆个雪人吧!)

2) The heavy snowfall caused traffic jams on the roads. (大量的降雪导致道路交通堵塞。)

3) I love watching the snowflakes dance in the air. (我喜欢看着雪花在空中飘舞。)

4) The ground was covered in a thick blanket of snow. (地面被厚厚的一层雪覆盖着。)

5) She went skiing for the first time and fell face first into the snow. (她第一次滑雪,结果头朝下摔进了雪里。)

5. Synonyms for snow include:

- Blizzard: a severe snowstorm with strong winds and low visibility.

- Frost: thin white layer of ice crystals that forms on surfaces when the temperature drops below freezing.

- Hail: precipitation in the form of small balls or lumps of ice.

- Sleet: a mixture of rain and snow.

- Flurry: a sudden light fall of snow.


- 暴风雪:强风和低能见度的严重暴风雪。

- 霜:当温度降到冰点以下时,在表面形成的薄薄的白色冰晶层。

- 冰雹:以小球或冰块形式降落的降水。

- 雨夹雪:雨和雪混合的降水。

- 雪花飞舞:突然轻微的降雪。

6. In summary, snow is a type of precipitation that falls from clouds in the form of ice crystals. It can be used as a noun or verb and has synonyms such as blizzard, frost, hail, sleet, and flurry. Remember to bundle up and stay warm when it snows!



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