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用法方面,corners可以用来指代物体的角落或者拐角,也可以用来指代某个地方或者某个时间的边缘或者转折点。,“The cat is hiding in the corner.”(猫躲在角落里),“We are at the corner of the street.”(我们在街道的拐角处),“He turned the corner and saw a beautiful garden.”(他转过弯看到了一个美丽的花园)。

托福例句方面,corners可以在听力和阅读部分经常出现。,“The children were playing hide and seek, and one of them was hiding in the corner of the room.”(孩子们在玩捉迷藏,其中一个躲在房间的角落里),“The company is going through a tough time, but they are trying to turn the corner and get back on track.”(这家公司正在经历艰难时期,但他们正努力转变局面,重新走上正轨)。




1. 作为名词时,corners可以指代物体的角落或者拐角。,“The spider built its web in the corner of the ceiling.”(蜘蛛把它的网织在天花板的角落里)。

2. 作为名词时,corners也可以指代某个地方或者某个时间的边缘或者转折点。,“We are at the corner of a new era.”(我们处于一个新时代的边缘),“At this critical corner, we need to make a wise decision.”(在这个关键转折点,我们需要做出明智的决定)。

3. 作为动词时,corners可以表示使成角落、转弯、压迫等动作。,“He carefully cornered the piece of paper and put it into his pocket.”(他小心地把那张纸折成角落,放进了口袋里),“The police cornered the thief in an alley.”(在小巷里把小偷逼入死胡同)。

4. 作为动词时,corners也可以表示压迫或者限制某人。,“She felt cornered by her boss and had to work overtime every day.”(她感到被老板压迫,每天都不得不加班)。


1. The cat is hiding in the corner.(猫躲在角落里)

2. We are at the corner of the street.(我们在街道的拐角处)

3. He turned the corner and saw a beautiful garden.(他转过弯看到了一个美丽的花园)

4. The children were playing hide and seek, and one of them was hiding in the corner of the room.(孩子们在玩捉迷藏,其中一个躲在房间的角落里)

5. The company is going through a tough time, but they are trying to turn the corner and get back on track.(这家公司正在经历艰难时期,但他们正努力转变局面,重新走上正轨)

1. 蜘蛛把它的网织在天花板的角落里。

2. 我们处于一个新时代的边缘。

3. 在这个关键转折点,我们需要做出明智的决定。

4. 他小心地把那张纸折成角落,放进了口袋里。

5. 在小巷里把小偷逼入死胡同。


1. edge:指物体的边缘或者某个地方或者某个时间的边缘。,“The book fell off the edge of the table.”(书从桌子边缘掉下来),“We are on the edge of a new era.”(我们处于一个新时代的边缘)。

2. angle:指物体两条边相交所形成的角度,也可以指代某个地方或者某个时间的转折点。,“He measured the angle of the triangle with a protractor.”(他用量角器测量三角形的角度),“At this critical angle, we need to make a wise decision.”(在这个关键转折点,我们需要做出明智的决定)。

3. bend:指物体弯曲或者人类身体弯曲。,“The road bends to the right ahead.”(前面路弯向右),“She bent down and picked up the coin from the ground.”(她弯下腰从地上捡起硬币)。




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