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1. 作为名词使用时,cable可以指代一种由金属丝或塑料制成的线,用于传输电力或信号。:

- The cable connecting the computer to the printer is broken. (连接电脑和打印机的线坏了。)

- The cable company is offering a special promotion for new customers. (有线电视公司为新客户提供特别促销活动。)

2. cable也可以指代电报,特别是指通过海底电缆传输的国际长途电报。:

- The ambassador received a cable from his home country. (收到了来自他祖国的电报。)

- It took weeks for the news to reach Europe by cable. (消息通过海底电缆传到欧洲需要几个星期的时间。)

3. 作为动词使用时,cable可以表示通过或者电报发送信息。:

- I'll cable you when I arrive in New York. (我到达纽约后会给你发个或者发个电报。)

- They cabled their parents to let them know they arrived safely. (他们给父母发了个电报告知他们安全到达。)

4. cable也可以指代缆车,即由一条或多条缆绳支撑的运输工具。:

- We took the cable car up to the of the mountain. (我们乘坐缆车到山顶。)

- The ski resort has several cable cars to transport skiers to the of the slopes. (这个滑雪胜地有几辆缆车可以将滑雪者运送到斜坡顶部。)


1. The new building is equipped with state-of-the-art technology, including fiber optic cables for high-speed internet access. (这座新建筑配备了最先进的技术,包括用于高速互联网接入的光纤电缆。)

2. I received a cable from my boss asking me to attend an urgent meeting tomorrow morning. (我收到老板的电报,要求我明天早上参加紧急。)

3. The old bridge was destroyed in a storm and they had to use a cable car to transport people across the river temporarily. (老桥在暴风雨中被毁,他们不得不暂时使用缆车来运送人们过河。)

4. We cabled our friends in Australia to congratulate them on their new baby boy. (我们给澳大利亚的朋友发了个电报祝贺他们的新生男婴。)

5. The cable company offers different packages for customers depending on their needs and budget. (有线电视公司为顾客提供不同的套餐,根据他们的需求和预算而定。)


1. wire:作为名词时,wire可以指代金属丝或塑料制成的线,与cable有相似的意思。:

- The telephone wires were damaged during the storm. (暴风雨中线被损坏了。)

- The electrician is installing new wires in the house. (电工正在房子里安装新的电线。)


- We need to wire the new computer to the internet. (我们需要将新电脑与互联网连接。)

- The contractor wired the entire house for electricity. (承包商给整个房子布置了电线供应电力。)

2. cord:作为名词时,cord可以指代细绳或者缆绳,与cable有相似的意思。:

- I used a cord to tie up the package. (我用绳子把包裹系起来。)

- The mountain climber secured himself with a cord while climbing up the cliff. (登山者在攀爬悬崖时用缆绳保护自己。)

3. telegram:作为名词时,telegram和cable都可以指代电报。但是telegram通常指代通过陆地传输的短信式电报,而cable指代通过海底电缆传输的长途电报。:

- I received a telegram from my friend in Paris. (我收到了朋友在巴黎发来的电报。)

- The news was sent by cable to all the major newspapers. (这条消息通过海底电缆发给所有主要的报纸。)




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