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befit是一个动词,意思是“适合,相称”。它的过去式和过去分词形式都是befitted/befit。记忆befit可以通过将其拆分为be(是)+ fit(适合)来记忆。它的名词形式为befitting。






- Her elegant dress befits the occasion. (她优雅的服装与这个场合相称)

- The punishment befitted the crime. (这个惩罚与罪行相符)

- He is not befitting of such an important role. (他不具备担任如此重要角色的条件)


- It is befitting that we honor those who have served our country. (我们应该表彰那些为国服务的人)

- The title of the book is not befitting of its content. (这本书的不符合其内容)


1. His actions were not befitting of a leader and caused chaos within the organization.


2. The grandeur of the palace befits its history and significance in the country.


3. The simplicity of her wedding dress befits her modest personality.


4. It is befitting that we remember and pay tribute to those who have sacrificed their lives for our freedom.


5. The extravagant lifestyle of the rich and famous is not befitting of a sustainable future.



1. The traditional clothing worn during the festival befits the cultural heritage of the country.


2. His rude behavior towards his colleagues is not befitting of a professional workplace.


3. The small, quaint cottage was befitting of their simple lifestyle in the countryside.


4. It is befitting that we honor and remember those who have fought for our rights and freedoms.


5. The extravagant decorations at the wedding were not befitting of the couple's humble background.



1. Suit:与…相配,适合,合身

Suit也可以表示适合某人或某物的特点、品质或性格。:The job doesn't suit him. (这份工作不适合他)

2. Befit can also be used as a noun, meaning "suitability" or "appropriateness". For example: The befittedness of his role in the company was questioned. (他在公司的角色是否合适受到了质疑)

3. Fit:适合,符合

Fit强调某物或某人与特定情况、标准或要求相符。:The dress fits her perfectly. (这件衣服很合身)

4. Match:匹配,相称

Match侧重于指两者之间有一致性或相似性。:The color of her shoes matches her dress. (她鞋子的颜色和她的裙子很搭配)

5. Correspond:符合,一致

Correspond强调两者之间有一致性或相似性。:His actions do not correspond with his words. (他的行动和他说的话不一致)


Befit是一个常用的动词,意思是“适合,相称”。它可以表示某物或某人与某种情况相称,也可以表示某物或某人具有某种品质或特征。它常用作及物动词,后接名词或代词作宾语,也可以作连系动词,后接形容词作表语。记忆befit可以通过将其拆分为be(是)+ fit(适合)来记忆。它的音标为/bɪˈfɪt/。在托福和雅思考试中,befit的使用频率较高,考生应该掌握其用法并能够灵活运用。同义词包括suit、fit、match和correspond。


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