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1. 作为副词:

(1) 表示数量极少或接近于没有:

- She can barely speak English. (她几乎不会说英语。)

- We barely had enough food for the trip. (我们几乎没有足够的食物去旅行。)

(2) 表示勉强达到某种程度:

- The team barely managed to win the game. (这支球队勉强赢得了比赛。)

- He barely passed the exam. (他勉强通过了考试。)

2. 作为形容词:

(1) 表示程度很低,仅仅满足最基本要求:

- The room was barely furnished. (房间里只有最基本的家具。)

- The child's toy was barely visible in the tall grass. (在高草中,孩子的玩具几乎看不见。)

(2) 表示仅仅,只有:

- We have barely enough money to pay the rent. (我们仅有足够的钱来支付房租。)


1. The weather was so cold that I could barely feel my fingers.


2. The students were barely able to finish the test in time.


3. He could barely understand what the professor was saying.


4. The old man could barely walk with his cane.


5. The restaurant was so crowded that we could barely find a seat.



Barely is an English word that means "hardly," "scarcely," or "only." It can be used as an adverb or an adjective. As an adverb, it indicates a very small amount or almost none at all; as an adjective, it suggests a low degree, just meeting basic requirements.

How to pronounce:

The pronunciation of Barely is /ˈbɛrli/.


1. As an adverb:

(1) To indicate a very small amount or almost none at all:

- She can barely speak English.

- We barely had enough food for the trip.

(2) To suggest barely meeting a certain standard:

- The team barely managed to win the game.

- He barely passed the exam.

2. As an adjective:

(1) To suggest a low degree, just meeting basic requirements:

- The room was barely furnished.

- The child's toy was barely visible in the tall grass.

(2) To indicate only or just:

- We have barely enough money to pay the rent.

TOEFL example sentences:

1. The weather was so cold that I could barely feel my fingers.

2. The students were barely able to finish the test in time.

3. He could barely understand what the professor was saying.

4. The old man could barely walk with his cane.

5. The restaurant was so crowded that we could barely find a seat.

Synonyms and Usage:

1. Hardly - suggests almost not at all, less than expected or needed

e.g. I can hardly believe it's already December.

2. Scarcely - suggests almost not at all, very little, or hardly any

e.g. She scarcely had time to finish her work before the deadline.

3. Just - suggests only, simply, or exactly

e.g. It's just a small scratch on my car.

4. Merely - suggests only, simply, or nothing more than

e.g. It's merely a suggestion, you don't have to follow it.

5. Barely and scarcely are interchangeable in most cases; however, scarcely is more formal and less commonly used in spoken English.

Editor's Summary:

Barely is an adverb or adjective that means "hardly," "scarcely," or "only." It is pronounced as /ˈbɛrli/ and can be used to indicate a very small amount, barely meeting a certain standard, or almost not at all. It can be replaced by synonyms such as hardly, scarcely, just, and merely in different contexts. However, scarcely is more formal and less commonly used in spoken English.


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