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1. anyway作为副词,可以放在句首、句中或者句末,用来表示转折关系。:

- Anyway, let's get back to the ic we were discussing.

- I don't really like her, but anyway, we have to work together.

- He said he would come, but anyway, I doubt it.

2. anyway也可以用来表示“总之”、“总而言之”的意思,相当于in any case。:

- It's raining outside, so anyway, we should bring an umbrella.

- I don't know what happened between them, but anyway, it's none of our business.

3. 另外,anyway还可以用来表示“不管怎样”、“无论如何”的意思,强调不受任何条件限制的情况。:

- Anyway you look at it, this is a difficult situation.

- I'll support you anyway you decide to deal with this problem.

4. 最后,anyway还可以用来表示“反正”、“总归”的意思,在这种情况下通常放在句末。:

- We can't go on like this forever. Anyway, something has to change.

- I don't really understand the instructions, but anyway, I'll give it a try.


1. Anyway, let's not dwell on the past and focus on finding a solution. 无论如何,让我们不要纠缠于过去,而是专注于寻找解决方案。

2. She said she would come to the party, but anyway she didn't show up. 她说她会来参加派对,但是无论如何她都没有出现。

3. I'm not sure if I can finish this project on time, but anyway I'll do my best. 我不确定我能否按时完成这个项目,但无论如何我都会尽力。

4. Anyway, it's getting late and we should probably head home now. 总之,现在已经很晚了,我们应该回家了。

5. He always finds a way to get out of trouble anyway. 他总是能够想办法逃脱麻烦。


1. Anyhow:与anyway意思相同,可以互换使用。:Anyhow/Anyway, we need to finish this project by tomorrow.

2. In any event:意为“无论如何”,强调不管发生什么情况都会坚持做某事。:In any event, we will not give up our dream.

3. Regardless:意为“不管怎样”,强调不受任何条件限制的情况。:Regardless of the cost, we must finish this project on time.

4. In any case:意为“无论如何”,强调不管发生什么情况都会做某事。:In any case, we have to find a solution to this problem.

5. No matter what:意为“无论什么”,强调无论发生什么都会做某事。:No matter what happens, I will always support you.


anyway是一个常用的副词,可以表示转折关系、总结上文内容、强调不受任何条件限制的情况以及表示“反正”、“总归”的意思。它的同义词包括anyhow、in any event、regardless、in any case和no matter what。在使用时要注意根据语境选择合适的词语,避免重复使用。


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