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competitive English [ kəmˈpetətɪv ˈɪŋglɪʃ ] noun. a type of English that is used in competitive situations, such as debates, speeches, or competitions, and is characterized by its persuasive and argumentative nature. Example sentences: 1. In order to succeed in the debate competition, you need to have a strong command of competitive English. 为了在辩论比赛中取得成功,你需要对有竞争力的英语有很强的掌握。 2. His use of competitive English during the speech was impressive and helped him win first place. 他在演讲中运用有竞争力的英语令人印象深刻,帮助他获得了第一名。 3. The team's coach emphasized the importance of using competitive English in their upcoming debate. 团队教练强调在即将到来的辩论中使用有竞争力的英语的重要性。 4. She has been studying competitive English for years in order to excel in her future job as a lawyer. 她多年来一直学习有竞争力的英语,为了将来作为律师能够出色表现。 5. The students were nervous about the upcoming competition, but their teacher reassured them that their skills in competitive English were strong enough to win. 学生们对即将到来的比赛感到紧张,但老师安慰他们说他们在有竞争力的英语方面的能力足以获胜。 Synonyms: persuasive English, argumentative English, competitive language Usage: Competitive English is commonly used in competitive situations where individuals or teams are trying to persuade or convince others of their ideas or opinions. It is also often used in formal debates, speeches, and competitions.



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