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Airspace [ˈeəspeɪs] noun 1.空间;太空 (the space above the earth where planes fly or where objects in space move) 例句: 1. The pilot announced that we were entering the airspace of another country. 飞行员宣布我们正在进入另一个的领空。 2. The satellite was launched into outer space and is now orbiting in airspace. 卫星被发射到外太空,现在正在领空轨道上运行。 3. The government has imposed restrictions on the use of airspace due to military exercises. 因演习而对领空使用实施了限制。 4. The air traffic controller monitors all planes within their designated airspace. 空中交通管制员监控指定领空内的所有飞机。 5. The astronauts were amazed by the vastness of the airspace as they looked out from their spacecraft. 宇航员从他们的宇宙飞船向外望去,惊叹于广阔的领空。 Synonyms: 1. Sky (天空) 2. Atmosphere (大气层) 3. Air (空气) 4. Firmament (苍穹) 5. Expanse (广阔) Editor's Summary: Airspace refers to the area above the earth's surface where planes fly and objects in space move, also known as outer space or sky. It can be restricted for various reasons, such as military exercises, and is monitored by air traffic controllers to ensure safe travel for aircrafts. Synonyms include sky, atmosphere, air, firmament, and expanse.



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