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A plethora of English phrases 怎么读 Pronunciation: /ə ˈplɛθərə ʌv ˈɪŋglɪʃ ˈfreɪzɪz/ 用法 A plethora of English phrases refers to a large number or excessive amount of commonly used expressions in the English language. These phrases are often used in everyday conversations, formal writing, and literature to convey a specific meaning or idea. 例句1-5句且中英对照 1. She has a plethora of excuses for not completing her work on time. 她有很多借口说她没有按时完成工作。 2. The teacher gave us a plethora of homework assignments over the weekend. 老师在周末给了我们很多作业。 3. The book is filled with a plethora of useful tips and advice for new parents. 这本书里充满了对新父母有用的各种建议和提示。 4. The restaurant offers a plethora of options for vegetarians. 这家餐厅为素食者提供了大量的选择。 5. The internet provides a plethora of resources for learning new skills. 互联网上提供了大量的资源来学习新技能。 同义词及用法 - Abundance: a large quantity or supply; can be used interchangeably with "plethora." Example: There is an abundance of fresh produce at the farmer's market. - Myriad: countless or extremely large in number; can be used to emphasize the vastness of something. Example: She has a myriad of responsibilities at work. - Profusion: an abundance or large quantity, often used to describe something that is visually striking. Example: The garden was filled with a profusion of colorful flowers. - Excess: an amount that is greater than what is needed or desired; can be used to describe a negative connotation of having too much. Example: He indulged in excess amounts of food and drinks at the party. 编辑总结 In conclusion, a plethora of English phrases refers to a wide range of commonly used expressions in the English language. These phrases are essential in conveying specific meanings and ideas in various contexts. It is important to have a good understanding and usage of these phrases to effectively communicate in English. Other similar words such as abundance, myriad, profusion, and excess can also be used to describe a large amount or quantity. As an editor, it is crucial to maintain accuracy and clarity when defining and explaining these phrases for readers.



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