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[英][ˈtrænsɪt] [美][ˈtrænsɪt] n. 运输公司;运输船公司 用法:transit船公司是指专门从事运输业务的公司,主要运输的货物包括人员、物资等。该词常用于海运或河流运输业务。 例句1:Our company has signed a contract with a transit shipping company to transport our goods to Europe. 我们公司已与一家运输船公司签订合同,将我们的货物运送到欧洲。 例句2:The transit company has been providing excellent services for many years and has gained a good reputation in the industry. 这家运输公司多年来一直提供优质的服务,在行业内赢得了良好的声誉。 例句3:The transit ship will arrive at the port tomorrow morning, please arrange for someone to pick up the goods. 明天早上,转运船将抵达港口,请安排人员来提货。 例句4:The transit company offers door-to-door delivery service, which is very convenient for customers. 这家转运公司提供门到门送货服务,非常方便客户。 例句5:We have cooperated with this transit shipping company for many years and have always been satisfied with their services. 我们与这家转运船公司合作多年,一直对他们的服务很满意。 同义词及用法:transit船公司还可以用shipping company、transportation company等替换。: - Our company has signed a contract with a shipping company to transport our goods to Europe. 我们公司已与一家运输船公司签订合同,将我们的货物运送到欧洲。 - The transportation company has been providing excellent services for many years and has gained a good reputation in the industry. 这家运输公司多年来一直提供优质的服务,在行业内赢得了良好的声誉。 编辑总结:transit船公司是指从事运输业务的专业公司,常用于海运或河流运输业务。其同义词包括shipping company、transportation company等。在使用时,需要注意上下文语境,选择合适的词汇来表达。



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