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took back

英 [tʊk bæk] 美 [tʊk bæk] 释义:收回,取回,拿回 用法:及物动词短语,表示把某物从别人那里拿回来。 例句1:I took back the book I lent him yesterday. 我昨天把我借给他的书拿了回来。 例句2:She took back her words and apologized to him. 她收回了自己的话,并向他道歉。 例句3:He took back his resignation and decided to stay in the company. 他收回了辞职信,决定留在公司。 例句4:The shop allows customers to take back the goods within 7 days if they are not satisfied. 这家商店允许顾客在7天内退货,如果他们不满意的话。 例句5:I need to take back my car from the repair shop tomorrow. 明天我需要从修理厂把我的车取回来。 同义词及用法: 1. Retrieve 英 [rɪˈtriːv] 美 [rɪˈtriːv] 释义:取回,恢复 用法:及物动词,表示从某处或某人那里取回某物。 例句1:He retrieved his wallet from his bag and paid for the meal. 他从包里取出钱包为餐费付款。 例句2:The police managed to retrieve the stolen goods and return them to their owners. 设法取回被盗物品并归还给失主。 2. Reclaim 英 [rɪˈkleɪm] 美 [rɪˈkleɪm] 释义:收回,取回,恢复 用法:及物动词,表示把某物从别人那里收回来或恢复某物的使用。 例句1:The company reclaimed the land and turned it into a park. 公司收回了这片土地,把它变成了一个公园。 例句2:He reclaimed his stolen bike from the thief. 他从小偷那里取回了被偷的自行车。 3. Regain 英 [rɪˈgeɪn] 美 [rɪˈgeɪn] 释义:重新获得,夺回 用法:及物动词,表示重新拥有或夺回某物。 例句1:After years of hard work, he finally regained his health. 经过多年的努力,他终于重新获得了健康。 例句2:The team managed to regain their lead in the last few minutes of the game. 在比赛最后几分钟,这支球队设法夺回了领先地位。 4. Take away 英 [teɪk əˈweɪ] 美 [teɪk əˈweɪ] 释义:拿走,带走 用法:及物动词短语,表示把某物从某处拿走。 例句1:The waiter took away the empty plates from our table. 服务员把我们桌子上的空盘子拿走了。 例句2:The teacher took away his phone because he was using it in class. 老师因为他在课堂上使用手机而把它拿走了。 编辑总结: took back是一个常用的短语,表示收回或取回某物。它可以用作及物动词,需要加上宾语。同义词有retrieve、reclaim、regain和take away,它们都可以表示取回或收回某物。在使用时需要根据具体情况选择合适的词语。如要表达从别人那里取回某物,可以使用retrieve或take back;要表达恢复某物的使用,可以使用reclaim;要表达重新获得某物,可以使用regain。总之,在不同的场合中,可以根据具体含义选择合适的同义词来替换took back,以丰富文章表达。

took back


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