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thickening fog什么意思

一:thickening fog的意思是“变浓的雾”,指空气中水蒸汽凝结形成的浓厚雾气。 二:发音为[ˈθɪkənɪŋ fɒg] 三:用法:作为名词,表示一种气象现象,常用来形容天气状况。也可作动词,表示雾气变得更加浓厚。 四:例句: 1. The thickening fog made it difficult to see the road ahead.(变浓的雾使得前方的路难以看清。) 2. As the night went on, the thickening fog enveloped the city, making it feel eerie and mysterious.(随着夜色渐深,越来越浓的雾笼罩着这座城市,让人感觉阴森而神秘。) 3. The thickening fog forced us to slow down our pace, as we could barely see each other in front of us.(变浓的雾迫使我们放慢了脚步,因为我们几乎看不到彼此身前的人。) 4. The pilot announced that due to the thickening fog, our flight would be delayed for another hour.(飞行员宣布由于变浓的雾,我们的航班将延误一个小时。) 5. The weather forecast warned of a thickening fog in the morning, so we decided to postpone our trip until the afternoon.(天气预报预说早上会有变浓的雾,所以我们决定把旅行推迟到下午。) 五:同义词及用法:dense fog(浓雾)、heavy fog(大雾)、thick fog(厚雾)。 六:编辑总结:thickening fog是一种常见的气象现象,指空气中水蒸汽凝结形成的浓厚雾气。作为名词时,常用来形容天气状况;作为动词时,表示雾气变得更加浓厚。同义词有dense fog、heavy fog和thick fog。在写作中,可以根据具体语境选择合适的表达方式,同时也可以使用相关的形容词来进一步描述thickening fog的特征,如“thickening white fog”(变浓的白色雾)或“thickening grey fog”(变浓的灰色雾)。

thickening fog什么意思


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