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英 [ˈspektə(r)] 美 [ˈspektər] thespectre是一个英文单词,意思是幽灵、鬼魂或者幻影。它的读音为 /ˈspektə(r)/,其中“th”发音为/t/,而“e”发音为/ə/。在英式发音中,“r”发音较轻,而美式发音中则更重。这个单词通常用作名词,表示一种超自然的存在或者上的存在。 1. The spectre of his dead wife haunted him for the rest of his life. 他已故妻子的幽灵在他余生中一直萦绕着他。 2. The old castle was said to be haunted by the spectre of a young woman who died tragically there. 据说这座古堡被一位年轻女子的幽灵所附身,她曾在那里不幸身亡。 3. The villagers were terrified when they saw the spectre floating above the graveyard. 村民们看到墓地上方飘荡着幽灵时,都吓坏了。 4. She claimed to have seen a spectre in her bedroom, but her friends didn't believe her. 她声称在卧室里看到了一个幽灵,但她的朋友们并不相信她。 5. The movie was full of suspense and had a chilling scene with a spectre appearing in a dark hallway. 这部电影充满了悬疑,其中一幕在黑暗的走廊里出现了一个幽灵,令人毛骨悚然。 同义词及用法: 1. G (n.) 鬼魂、幽灵 2. Phantom (n.) 幻影、幽灵 3. Apparition (n.) 幻影、鬼魂 4. Spirit (n.) 、灵魂 5. Specter (n.) 幽灵、幻影 编辑总结: thespectre是一个常用于文学作品中的单词,通常用来描述超自然现象或者上的存在。它的同义词有g、phantom、apparition等,但每个词都有其特定的用法和含义。在使用时应注意上下文,并根据需要选择合适的词语。



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