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[spɔɪldˈvərdʒɪnz] n. 宠坏的;受过破坏的 【用法】: spoiledvirgins是一个名词,指代那些被宠坏或受过破坏的。这个词通常用来形容那些本应保持纯洁的女性,却因为某些原因而失去了自己的贞洁。 【例句】: 1. She used to be a spoiledvirgin, but now she has become a promiscuous woman. 她曾经是一个宠坏的,但现在她已经变成了一个放荡不羁的女人。 2. The spoiledvirgins were once considered as the most precious treasures in the village, but now they are just like any other ordinary women. 这些曾经被认为是村子里最珍贵的财富的宠坏,如今却和普通妇女没有什么区别。 3. In some cultures, being a spoiledvirgin is seen as a disgrace and brings shame to the family. 在某些文化中,成为一个宠坏被视为一种耻辱,并给家庭带来了羞耻。 4. The spoiledvirgins were often sold to wealthy men as concubines in ancient times. 古代,宠坏经常被卖给富裕的男人作为妾室。 5. She was once a spoiledvirgin, but after being raped, she lost her virginity and was rejected by her family. 她曾经是一个宠坏的,但在遭受强奸后,失去了贞洁,并被家人抛弃。 【同义词及用法】: 1. deflowered [dɪˈflaʊərd]:指被夺取贞操的女性。常用来指代那些本应保持贞洁的女性,却因为某种原因而失去了自己的贞操。 例句:She was deflowered by her boyfriend before marriage. 她在结婚前就被男朋友夺取了贞操。 2. corrupted [kəˈrʌptɪd]:指被败坏或腐化的。通常用来形容那些原本纯洁无暇的女性,却因为外界的影响而变得不再纯洁。 例句:The corrupted virgins in the brothel were once innocent girls from the countryside. 妓院里的曾经是来自农村的天真少女。 3. tainted [teɪntɪd]:指被玷污或污染的。常用来形容那些本应保持清白的女性,却因为某种原因而失去了自己的清白。 例句:The tainted virgin was rejected by her family and had to live a life of shame. 那个被玷污的被家人抛弃,只能过着耻辱的生活。 4. defiled [dɪˈfaɪld]:指被破坏或亵渎的。通常用来形容那些本应保持纯洁的女性,却因为外界的影响而失去了自己的贞洁。 例句:The defiled virgin was no longer accepted by society and had to live in seclusion. 那个被破坏了的不再被社会接受,只能隐居起来。 【编辑总结】: spoiledvirgins这个词是一个贬义词,通常用来指代那些本应保持纯洁和贞洁的女性,却因为某些原因而失去了自己的贞操。它可以用来形容那些被宠坏、夺取贞操、败坏、玷污或亵渎过的。在某些文化中,成为一个spoiledvirgin是一种耻辱,并可能导致被家人抛弃或社会排斥。因此,在使用这个词时需要谨慎,并尊重每个人对自己身体和性生活的选择。



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