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1. self (noun) [sɛlf] - Meaning: the person that you are, your individuality and identity - Usage: used to refer to oneself, especially in contrast to others or as an object of one's own action or reflexive verb - Example 1: I need to take care of myself before I can take care of others. - Example 2: She always puts herself last, never taking time for her own needs. - Synonyms: oneself, ego, identity, personality 2. selves (plural noun) [sɛlvz] - Meaning: plural form of self, referring to multiple individuals or identities - Usage: used when talking about a group of people or a collection of different aspects of one's personality - Example 1: Our selves are constantly evolving and changing. - Example 2: They each have their own unique selves that they bring to the table. - Synonyms: identities, personalities, egos 3. self (adjective) [sɛlf] - Meaning: related to or characteristic of oneself or itself - Usage: used to describe something that is directly connected to a person or thing - Example 1: Self-confidence is an important trait for success. - Example 2: The company takes pride in its self-sustaining business model. - Synonyms: personal, individual, inherent 4. self (pronoun) [sɛlf] - Meaning: used instead of "myself" for emphasis or clarity - Usage: used when referring back to the subject in a sentence for emphasis or clarity - Example 1: I made the decision myself. They cannot do it themself. He himself is responsible for the mistake. She herself completed the project on time. - Example 2: The cat groomed itself for hours. The plant grew by itself without any help. The child learned to tie their shoes by themself. - Synonyms: myself, yourself, themselves 5. self (prefix) [sɛlf] - Meaning: added to the beginning of a word to indicate that something is done by oneself or without outside help - Usage: used to form compound words related to the concept of self or personal actions - Example 1: Self-care is an important part of maintaining mental and physical health. - Example 2: He is a self-made man, having built his business from the ground up. - Synonyms: auto-, personal, individual 怎么读: self的音标为[sɛlf],其中的[e]发音与单词"set"中的[e]相同,[l]发音与单词"leaf"中的[l]相同,[f]发音与单词"fun"中的[f]相同。 用法: self作为名词时,可以指代一个人的个性和身份,也可以指代自己。作为形容词时,可以描述与自己或事物直接相关的特征。作为代词时,可以强调或澄清句子中的主语。作为前缀时,可以表示由自己完成或不需要外界帮助的动作。 例句: 1. I need to take care of myself before I can take care of others. (我需要先照顾好自己才能照顾别人。) 2. Our selves are constantly evolving and changing. (我们的个性不断发展和变化。) 3. Self-confidence is an important trait for success. (自信是成功的重要特质。) 4. She herself completed the project on time. (她亲自按时完成了这个项目。) 5. Self-care is an important part of maintaining mental and physical health. (自我关怀是保持身心健康的重要组成部分。) 同义词及用法: self的同义词包括oneself、ego、identity和personality等,它们都可以指代一个人的个性和身份。在使用时,可以根据语境和需要选择合适的词汇。 编辑总结: self作为一个单词,有着丰富多样的含义和用法。它不仅可以作为名词、形容词、代词和前缀出现,还可以与其他单词组合成复合词,表达更加具体和丰富的意思。在日常生活中,我们经常会使用到self相关的表达方式,因此对于这些含义和用法有一定了解是很有帮助的。



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