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selfless dedication

/ˈsɛlfləs ˌdɛdɪˈkeɪʃən/ 【释义】 selfless dedication指的是一种无私奉献的,即为了他人或某一事业而不计回报地付出自己的时间、精力和资源。 【读音】 selfless读作/sɛlfləs/,dedication读作/dɛdɪˈkeɪʃən/。 【用法】 selfless dedication通常用来形容一个人的行为或状态,表示其无私地为他人或某项事业贡献自己的力量。它可以作为名词使用,也可以作为形容词使用。 【例句】 1. His selfless dedication to the charity project has inspired many others to join in. 他对慈善项目的无私奉献激励了许多其他人加入其中。 2. The success of the team is due to the selfless dedication of each member. 团队的成功归功于每个成员的无私奉献。 3. She showed selfless dedication by working overtime to finish the project on time. 她通过加班完成项目展现了无私奉献。 4. The firefighters demonstrated selfless dedication by risking their lives to save others. 消防员们冒着生命危险救助他人展现了无私奉献。 5. We are grateful for their selfless dedication to the community. 我们感激他们对社区的无私奉献。 【同义词及用法】 1. Altruism (n.) - the belief in or practice of selfless concern for the well-being of others. 例:Her altruism and generosity have made her a beloved figure in the community. 2. Philanthropy (n.) - the desire to promote the welfare of others, especially by donating money or time to good causes. 例:The wealthy businessman is known for his philanthropy and charitable donations. 3. Self-sacrifice (n.) - giving up one's own interests or happiness for the sake of others. 例:His act of self-sacrifice saved the lives of many people. 4. Devotion (n.) - love, loyalty, or enthusiasm for a person, activity, or cause. 例:Her devotion to her family is admirable. 5. Generosity (n.) - willingness to give and share without expecting anything in return. 例:The company's generosity towards its employees is reflected in its benefits package. 【编辑总结】 Selfless dedication是一种高尚的,它着一个人无私的奉献和牺牲。这种在今天的社会仍然非常重要,它能够激励人们为他人和社会做出更多贡献。我们应该向那些展现selfless dedication的人学习,并且在自己的生活中也秉持这样的价值观。

selfless dedication


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