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意思:经常,频繁地 读音:/ˈɔf(ə)n/ 用法:副词,表示动作或状态的频繁发生 例句1:I often go to the park on weekends to relax and enjoy nature.(我经常在周末去公园放松身心,享受大自然。) 例句2:She often complains about her job, but she never does anything to change it.(她经常抱怨工作,但从不采取任何行动来改变。) 例句3:We often have family dinners on Sundays to catch up with each other's lives.(我们经常在周日举行家庭聚餐,以了解彼此的生活。) 例句4:He often forgets his keys and has to call his roommate to open the door for him.(他经常忘记带钥匙,不得不打给室友来开门。) 例句5:They often travel abroad for business, so they have a lot of international experience.(他们经常出国出差,因此有很多国际经验。) 同义词及用法: frequently(频繁地)- 指动作或状态的重复发生,程度比often更强烈。 例句:She frequently visits her grandmother who lives in another city.(她经常去看住在另一个城市的奶奶。) regularly(定期地)- 指按照一定规律或计划的频率发生。 例句:I regularly exercise in the morning before going to work.(我每天早上上班前都会定期锻炼。) habitually(习惯性地)- 指某种行为或状态已经成为习惯,常常不自觉地发生。 例句:She habitually checks her phone every few minutes, even when she is not expecting any important messages.(她习惯性地每隔几分钟就查看一次手机,即使她并没有期待重要的信息。) frequently(经常)- 指动作或状态的高频率发生,程度比often稍弱。 例句:He frequently changes his hairstyle, so it's hard to recognize him sometimes.(他经常换发型,所以有时很难认出他来。) usually(通常)- 指按照一般情况下的频率发生。 例句:I usually have breakfast at 8 o'clock in the morning.(我通常在早上8点吃早餐。) 编辑总结: often是一个非常常用的副词,表示动作或状态的频繁发生。它可以用来描述日常生活中经常做的事情,也可以用来指某种倾向或习惯性的行为。与其同义词相比,often的程度稍弱,但仍然是一个非常实用且易于理解的词汇。在写作中,我们可以通过使用often来描述人物的习惯或行为,使句子更加生动有力。



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