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off一词既可表示开,也可表示关的意思。作为动词时,off的意思是“关闭、关掉”,作为形容词时,off的意思是“处于关闭状态”。,我们可以说“Please turn off the lights”(请关灯)或者“The lights are off”(灯关了)。 怎么读(音标) off的音标为/ɒf/。 用法 1. 作为动词,off通常用来表示关闭或停止某种活动或状态。: - Turn off the TV.(关掉电视。) - The factory will be off for two weeks.(工厂将停产两周。) 2. 作为形容词,off通常用来描述某物处于关闭或停止的状态。: - The computer is off.(电脑已经关了。) - I forgot to turn off the stove.(我忘记关炉子了。) 3. off也可以用来表示远离某地或某物。: - She walked off without saying goodbye.(她走了,没有和我说再见。) - We drove off into the sunset.(我们驱车远离夕阳西下的地方。) 4. 在口语中,off还可以指“离开、从事其他活动”。: - I’m going to take a few days off next week.(下周我要休息几天。) - He’s been playing golf all day, he needs to take some time off from that.(他整天都在打高尔夫,需要从中休息一下。) 5. off也可以表示“不准确、偏离目标”。: - Your aim is a little off.(你的瞄准有点偏了。) - I think the train is running a bit off schedule.(我觉得火车有点偏离原定的时间表。) 例句 1. Please turn off the lights before you leave. (请在离开前关掉灯。) 2. The concert was canceled because the power went off. (演唱会因为断电而取消。) 3. She took a few days off work to go on vacation. (她休了几天假去度假。) 4. The dog ran off when I opened the door. (当我打开门时,狗跑掉了。) 5. His shot was just a little bit off target. (他的射门稍微偏了一点。) 同义词及用法 1. Close:作为动词时,close的意思也是“关闭、关掉”,作为形容词时,close的意思是“关闭的”。: - Please close the door when you leave. (你走时请关上门。) - The store is closed for renovations. (商店因装修而关闭。) 2. Shut:作为动词时,shut的意思也是“关闭、关掉”,作为形容词时,shut的意思是“关闭的”。: - Can you shut the window? It’s cold outside. (你能关上窗户吗?外面很冷。) - The door was shut and locked. (门被关上并锁上了。) 3. Turn off:作为动词短语,turn off的意思也是“关闭、关掉”。: - Please turn off your cell phone during the movie. (电影期间请关闭你的手机。) - He forgot to turn off the stove, and it caught fire. (他忘记关炉子了,结果着火了。) 4. Deactivate:作为动词,deactivate的意思是“使失效、使无效”。: - You need to deactivate your account before you can delete it. (你需要先使账号失效才能删除它。) - The bomb squad deactivated the explosive device. (爆炸物处理小组拆除了这个爆炸装置。) 编辑总结 off一词既可表示开,也可表示关的意思,作为动词时常用来表示关闭或停止某种活动或状态,作为形容词时常用来描述某物处于关闭或停止的状态。除此之外,off还可以表示远离某地或某物、离开从事其他活动、偏离目标等含义。在口语中,off还可以指“不准确、偏离目标”。同义词包括close、shut、turn off和deactivate等。



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