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/'hʌf/ noun Definition: 1. (noun) An abbreviation for "huff," a state of anger or annoyance. 2. (noun) A type of German card game, also known as "skat." 3. (noun) A slang term for an unattractive, unfashionable person. Examples: 1. I could tell my boss was in a huf when she stormed out of the meeting. 我能看出我的老板在上大发脾气时处于愤怒的状态。 2. We played a few rounds of huf after dinner last night. 昨晚吃完饭后我们玩了几局德国纸牌游戏“huf”。 3. Don't be such a huf and just try on the dress! 别那么不时尚,试试这件裙子吧! Synonyms: 1. Huff - anger, annoyance, irritation 2. Skat - card game, German card game Summary: Huf is an abbreviation for "huff," which refers to a state of anger or annoyance. It can also refer to a type of German card game or be used as slang for an unattractive person. Synonyms include "huff" and "skat."



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