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huey long

[huːi lɔːŋ] noun: Huey Long is an American politician, lawyer, and author who served as the 40th governor of Louisiana from 1928 to 1932 and as a member of the United States Senate from 1932 until his assassination in 1935. 用法: Huey Long通常指的是美国家和作家Huey Pierce Long Jr.,也可以简称为Huey Long Jr.。他曾担任路易斯安那州第40任州长,并在1932年至1935年期间担任美国参议院议员。他被认为是一个具有争议性的人物,因其强烈的民粹主义和反贫困立场而闻名。 例句: 1. Huey Long was known for his charismatic speeches and populist policies. (休伊·朗因其富有魅力的演讲和民粹主义而闻名。) 2. Many people in Louisiana still remember the impact that Huey Long had on their state. (许多路易斯安那州人仍然记得休伊·朗对他们州的影响。) 3. The political career of Huey Long was cut short by his untimely death. (休伊·朗的生涯因其不幸的死亡而中断。) 4. Huey Long's legacy continues to be debated among historians and political analysts. (历史学家和分析师仍在就休伊·朗的遗产进行争论。) 5. The Huey Long Bridge in Baton Rouge, Louisiana is named after the former governor. (位于路易斯安那州巴吞鲁日的休伊·朗大桥以前州长的名字命名。) 同义词及用法: 1. populist politician (民粹主义家) 2. controversial figure (具有争议性的人物) 3. former governor (前州长) 4. political career (生涯) 5. legacy (遗产) 编辑总结: Huey Long是一个具有争议性的美国家和作家,他因其强烈的民粹主义和反贫困立场而闻名。他曾担任路易斯安那州第40任州长,并在1932年至1935年期间担任美国参议院议员。虽然他的生涯被其不幸的死亡所中断,但他对路易斯安那州和美国仍有深远影响。他被认为是一个具有强烈个性和魅力的演讲家,其遗产仍在历史学家和分析师之间引发争论。Huey Long也常被简称为Huey Long Jr.,并且常被用作同义词来指代民粹主义家、具有争议性的人物等。

huey long


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