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/ɡɒndi/ noun n. 贡迪弯曲体 1. gondii是一种寄生虫,是一种细胞内寄生虫,主要感染猫科动物和人类。 Gondii is a parasite that infects primarily cats and humans, and is an intracellular parasite. 2. gondii的原意是贡迪弯曲体,因为它的形状像一个小圆盘。这个词也可以用来指代这种寄生虫。 The original meaning of gondii is Gondi's bent body, because of its shape resembling a small disc. This term can also refer to the parasite itself. 3. 例句1:据估计,全球有大约30%的人口携带gondii寄生虫。 Example 1: It is estimated that about 30% of the world's population carries the gondii parasite. 4. 例句2:如果你有一只宠物猫,请务必定期带它去检查是否感染了gondii寄生虫。 Example 2: If you have a pet cat, be sure to take it for regular check-ups to see if it has been infected with the gondii parasite. 5. 同义词及用法:gondii也可以被称为toxoplasma gondii,toxo或者T. gondii。它们都指代同一种寄生虫。 Synonyms and usage: Gondii can also be referred to as toxoplasma gondii, toxo, or T. gondii. They all refer to the same parasite. 编辑总结:gondii是一种寄生虫,主要感染猫科动物和人类。它的原意是贡迪弯曲体,因为它的形状像一个小圆盘。人们也可以使用toxoplasma gondii、toxo或者T. gondii来指代这种寄生虫。在养宠物猫时,需要定期带它们进行检查,以防止感染gondii寄生虫。



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