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goggled ['ˈɡɑːɡəld'] Definition: Goggled is a verb that means to stare with bulging or wide-open eyes, often due to surprise or amazement. 用法: Goggled is usually used to describe people's facial expressions. It is often used in the past tense, such as "goggled at" or "was goggling". It can also be used in the present tense, such as "goggles at" or "is goggling". 例句: 1. The children goggled at the magician's tricks with amazement. 孩子们惊奇地盯着魔术师的表演。 2. When she saw the giant Christmas tree, she goggled at it in awe. 当她看到巨大的圣诞树时,她惊讶地盯着它。 3. The students goggle at their teacher when he announced that there would be no final exam. 当老师宣布没有期末考试时,学生们对他目瞪口呆。 4. The cat goggled at the mouse before pouncing on it. 猫在扑向老鼠之前盯着它。 5. Everyone in the room goggled at the celebrity who had just walked in. 房间里的每个人都对刚走进来的名人目瞪口呆。 同义词及用法: 1. Stare: (verb) to look fixedly or vacantly at someone or something with one's eyes wide open 用法:Stare can also be used to describe people's facial expressions, but it does not necessarily imply surprise or amazement. 例句:She stared at the painting for a long time, trying to figure out its meaning. 2. Gape: (verb) to stare with one's mouth open wide in amazement or wonder 用法:Gape is often used to describe people's facial expressions, but it specifically focuses on the open mouth. It implies a sense of astonishment or shock. 例句:The audience gaped at the acrobat's death-defying stunts. 3. Ogle: (verb) to look at someone in an obvious and sexually interested way 用法:Ogle is used to describe someone looking at another person in a flirtatious or lustful manner. 例句:The man couldn't help but ogle at the beautiful woman sitting across from him. 4. Gawk: (verb) to stare openly and stupidly 用法:Gawk is often used to describe people's facial expressions, but it implies a sense of stupidity or cluelessness. 例句:The tourists gawked at the tall buildings in the city, clearly not used to such sights. 编辑总结: In summary, goggled is a verb that describes someone staring with wide-open eyes, usually due to surprise or amazement. It can be used in past or present tense and is often used in conjunction with "at" or "is". Similar words such as stare, gape, ogle, and gawk can also be used to describe people's facial expressions, but each has its own specific connotations. As an editor and translator for an online dictionary, it is important to provide accurate definitions and examples while also being mindful of SEO standards.



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