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意思:目标,目的,成就,得分,进球。 怎么读:[ɡoʊl]。 用法:名词,可数。 例句1:My ultimate goal is to become a successful businessman.(我的终极目标是成为一名成功的商人。) 例句2:The team scored a goal in the last minute of the game.(这支球队在比赛最后一分钟进了一球。) 例句3:She achieved her goal of losing 10 pounds in a month.(她在一个月内实现了减肥10磅的目标。) 例句4:His goal in life is to travel to every country in the world.(他生活中的目标是去世界上每个旅行。) 例句5:The company set a new sales goal for the upcoming year.(公司为即将到来的一年设定了新的销售目标。) 同义词及用法: 1. Objective: n. 目标,宗旨;adj. 客观的 - Our objective is to increase profits by 20% this year. (我们的目标是今年增加20%的利润。) - The report provides an objective analysis of the company's performance. (该报告对公司业绩进行了客观分析。) 2. Aim: n. 目标,瞄准;v. 瞄准,旨在 - My aim is to finish this project before the deadline. (我的目标是在截止日期之前完成这个项目。) - The hunter aimed his gun at the deer. (猎人把瞄准了鹿。) 3. Target: n. 目标,靶子;v. 把...作为目标,瞄准 - Our target is to expand our business in Asia. (我们的目标是在亚洲扩大业务。) - The police targeted the suspect's house for investigation. (把嫌疑人的房子作为调查目标。) 4. Objective: adj. 目标的,客观的;n. 目标,宗旨 - We need to have a clear objective before starting the project. (在开始项目之前,我们需要有一个明确的目标。) - The objective of this experiment is to prove our hypothesis. (这个实验的目的是证明我们的假设。) 5. Destination: n. 目的地,终点 - Our final destination is Paris. (我们最终的目的地是巴黎。) - The company has reached its destination of becoming a global leader in technology. (该公司已经达到了成为全球科技领企业的目标。) 编辑总结: Goal是一个常用且多义性强的词汇,在不同语境下可以有不同含义和用法,但总体来说都与“目标”、“成就”、“得分”相关。在撰写文章时,可以根据具体语境选择合适的同义词来替换goal,以避免重复使用,同时也能丰富文章的表达。此外,要注意使用正确的词性和语法,使句子结构通顺,符合英语的表达习惯。



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