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goal seek

[ɡoʊl siːk] noun Goal seek is a feature in spreadsheet software that allows users to find the input value needed to achieve a desired result. 用法: Goal seek是电子表格软件中的一项功能,它允许用户找到实现所需结果所需的输入值。 例句1:In Microsoft Excel, you can use goal seek to determine the interest rate needed to reach a specific savings goal. 在微软Excel中,你可以使用goal seek来确定达到特定储蓄目标所需的利率。 例句2:I used goal seek to figure out how much I need to save each month in order to buy a new car next year. 我使用goal seek来计算每个月需要存多少钱才能在明年买一辆新车。 例句3:With the help of goal seek, I was able to find the sales target we need to meet in order to reach our annual revenue goal. 在goal seek的帮助下,我成功找到了我们需要达成的销售目标才能实现年度收入目标。 例句4:The accountant used goal seek to determine the break-even point for the company's new product. 会计师使用goal seek来确定公司新产品的盈亏平衡点。 例句5:I always use goal seek when creating financial projections for my business plan. 我在制定商业计划书时总是会使用goal seek来创建财务预测。 同义词及用法: - Solver: This is another feature in spreadsheet software that can be used for optimization and finding solutions for complex problems. It is similar to goal seek, but with more advanced capabilities. - 求解器:这是电子表格软件中的另一个功能,可用于优化和解决复杂问题。它与goal seek类似,但具有更高级的功能。 - What-if analysis: This is a feature in spreadsheet software that allows users to explore different scenarios by changing input values and seeing the resulting changes in the output. - 假设分析:这是电子表格软件中的一项功能,允许用户通过更改输入值并查看输出结果的变化来探索不同的情况。 编辑总结: Goal seek是一项非常有用的功能,可以帮助用户轻松地找到实现所需结果所需的输入值。它在财务规划、销售目标设定等方面都有广泛的应用。同时,它也可以与其他类似的功能如求解器和假设分析结合使用,帮助用户更好地优化和解决复杂问题。对于使用电子表格软件进行数据分析和规划的人来说,掌握goal seek是非常重要的。

goal seek


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