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1. Abandonment (n.) [əˈbændənmənt] - the act of leaving something behind or giving up on something

Usage: The abandonment of the project was a huge disappointment to the team.

2. Abbreviation (n.) [əˌbriːviˈeɪʃn] - a shortened form of a word or phrase


Usage: "ASAP" is an abbreviation for "as soon as possible".

3. Abolish (v.) [əˈbɑːlɪʃ] - to officially end or get rid of something

Usage: The government plans to abolish the death penalty.

4. Abrupt (adj.) [əˈbrʌpt] - sudden and unexpected

Usage: The meeting ended abruptly when the fire alarm went off.

5. Absent (adj.) [ˈæbsənt] - not present or missing

Usage: She was absent from work due to illness.


- Desertion (n.) [dɪˈzɜːrʃn] - the act of abandoning or leaving someone or something behind

- Termination (n.) [tɜːrmɪneɪʃn] - the act of ending or sping something


在英语中,单词的意思可以通过前缀、后缀或者词根来推测。,"ab-"通常表示"away from"或者"not","-ment"表示名词形式。因此,通过了解这些常见的前缀和后缀,我们可以更容易地理解和记忆单词的意思。此外,学习同义词也可以帮助我们扩大词汇量,并且在不同的语境中使用更加准确的词汇。最后,通过阅读例句,我们可以更好地理解单词的用法和意思,并且加深记忆。


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