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1. In the garden stood a beautiful rose. (在花园里站着一朵美丽的玫瑰。)

2. Not only did she finish the project on time, but she also exceeded our expectations. (她不仅按时完成了项目,而且还超出了我们的预期。)


3. Little did I know that I would meet my future husband on that trip. (我从来没有想到我会在那次旅行中遇到我的未来丈夫。)

4. Never have I seen such a breathtaking view before. (我从未见过如此令人惊叹的景色。)

5. Under no circumstances should you give up your dreams. (无论如何,你都不应该放弃你的梦想。)

6. Rarely do we get the chance to travel together as a family. (我们很少有机会一家人一起旅行。)

7. Only when we face our fears can we overcome them. (只有当我们面对恐惧时,才能克服它们。)

8. Seldom does he complain about his job, even though it's very demanding. (他很少抱怨自己的工作,即使它非常苛刻。)

9. On of the mountain sat a small cabin, surrounded by trees and flowers. (山顶上坐落着一座小木屋,周围是树木和花朵。)

10. At no time did she doubt her decision to quit her job and start her own business.(她从未怀疑过辞职创业的决定。)

音标:[ˈɪŋɡlɪʃ ˈɪnˌvɜrtəd səntəns ˈtwenti]



1. In the garden stood a beautiful rose. (在花园里站着一朵美丽的玫瑰。)

2. Not only did she finish the project on time, but she also exceeded our expectations. (她不仅按时完成了项目,而且还超出了我们的预期。)

3. Little did I know that I would meet my future husband on that trip. (我从来没有想到我会在那次旅行中遇到我的未来丈夫。)

4. Never have I seen such a breathtaking view before. (我从未见过如此令人惊叹的景色。)

5. Under no circumstances should you give up your dreams. (无论如何,你都不应该放弃你的梦想。)


英语倒装句也可称为“inverted sentence”,常见于文学作品和正式场合,可用于加强语气或突出重要信息。




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