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The meaning of practicing doing something in English is to perform an activity or task repeatedly in order to improve one's skills or knowledge.



/prækˈtɪsɪŋ duːɪŋ ˈsʌmθɪŋ/


Practicing doing something can refer to any type of activity, whether it be physical, mental, or academic. It involves repeating the same action or task in order to gain proficiency and mastery. This can be done individually or with the help of a teacher or mentor.


1. She spends hours every day practicing playing the piano.


2. The basketball team has been practicing their free throws all week.


3. In order to improve his English, he practices speaking with native speakers every chance he gets.


4. The doctor has been practicing medicine for over 20 years.


5. It takes a lot of practice to become a skilled dancer.



1. Train: Similar to practice, train refers to repeating an activity in order to improve skills or abilities. It can also refer to the process of preparing for a specific event or competition.

Example: The athletes have been training for months for the upcoming marathon.

2. Rehearse: This word is often used in the context of performing arts, such as theater or music. It means to practice a performance before actually presenting it to an audience.

Example: The actors spent weeks rehearsing their lines and movements before opening night.

3. Drill: This word has a more intense connotation and is often used in military or sports contexts. It refers to repetitive training with a specific goal in mind.

Example: The soldiers went through rigorous drills to prepare for combat.

4. Exercise: While practice focuses on improving skills, exercise can refer to any type of physical activity done for health or fitness reasons.

Example: She does yoga every morning as part of her exercise routine.


Practicing doing something is an essential part of learning and improving in any skill or activity. By repeating an action or task, we are able to gain proficiency and eventually mastery. It is important to remember that practice makes perfect and that consistent effort will lead to improvement over time. Whether it be playing an instrument, learning a new language, or perfecting a sport, practicing is key to achieving success.


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