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1. Word: Abundance

Pronunciation: /əˈbʌndəns/


Usage: noun

Definition: a very large quantity of something; a plentiful supply


- There is an abundance of food at the buffet.

- The abundance of natural resources in this country has led to its economic prosperity.

Synonyms: plenty, profusion, copiousness, wealth

Editor's Summary: Abundance refers to a large quantity or supply of something. It can be used to describe both physical objects and abstract concepts. It is often used in a positive context to convey a sense of wealth or prosperity.

2. Word: Exquisite

Pronunciation: /ɪkˈskwɪzɪt/

Usage: adjective

Definition: extremely beautiful and delicate; finely crafted or made


- The bride looked exquisite in her wedding gown.

- The restaurant served exquisite dishes that were pleasing to both the eyes and taste buds.

Synonyms: beautiful, elegant, flawless, superb

Editor's Summary: Exquisite is used to describe something that is exceptionally beautiful or finely crafted. It is often associated with luxury and high quality.

3. Word: Inevitable

Pronunciation: /ɪnˈɛvɪtəb(ə)l/

Usage: adjective

Definition: certain to happen; unavoidable


- Death is an inevitable part of life.

- With the rise of technology, it seems inevitable that some jobs will become automated.

Synonyms: unavoidable, inescapable, bound to happen

Editor's Summary: Inevitable describes something that is bound to happen and cannot be avoided. It is often used when referring to events or situations that are beyond our control.

4. Word: Pristine


Usage: adjective

Definition: in its original condition; unspoiled or untouched


- The beach looked pristine with its crystal clear water and white sand.

- The ancient ruins were discovered in a pristine state, giving archaeologists valuable insights into the past.

Synonyms: untouched, immaculate, pure, spotless

Editor's Summary: Pristine describes something that is in its original, untouched state. It is often used to describe natural environments or historical artifacts.

5. Word: Resilience


Usage: noun

Definition: the ability to recover quickly from difficulties; toughness


- The city showed great resilience in rebuilding after the devastating hurricane.

- Despite facing numerous challenges, the athlete's resilience helped her achieve her goals.

Synonyms: endurance, perseverance, strength

Editor's Summary: Resilience refers to the ability to bounce back from difficult situations. It can be used to describe both physical and emotional strength.


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