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乌克兰能源部长: 导弹袭击乌发电

一:乌克兰能源: 导弹袭击乌发电的意思

乌克兰能源: 导弹袭击乌发电是指乌克兰能源宣布,导弹袭击了乌克兰的发电厂,导致发电厂受损无法正常运行。

乌克兰能源部长: 导弹袭击乌发电


乌克兰能源: 导弹袭击乌发电的读音为 [ʊˈkreɪn ˈɛnərdʒi ˈmɪnɪstər: ˈmɪsl̩ əˈtæk ˈʊkreɪn fəˈdaɪlə]。




1. The Ukrainian Energy Minister announced that missiles had struck a power plant in Ukraine, causing damage and disrupting electricity supply. (乌克兰能源宣布,导弹袭击了乌克兰的发电厂,造成损坏并导致电力供应中断。)

2. The attack on the power plant was carried out by enemy missiles, according to the Ukrainian Energy Minister. (根据乌克兰能源的说法,发电厂遭受的袭击是敌方导弹所为。)

3. The Ukrainian Energy Minister condemned the missile strike on the power plant, calling it a cowardly act of aggression. (乌克兰能源谴责对发电厂的导弹袭击,称其为懦夫式的侵略行为。)

4. The missile attack on the power plant has caused widespread blackouts and disruptions in Ukraine's energy supply. (导弹袭击发电厂导致乌克兰能源供应出现大范围停电和中断。)

5. The Ukrainian government has vowed to take action against those responsible for the missile strike on their power plant. (乌克兰誓言将对导致发电厂遭受导弹袭击的人采取行动。)


1. Missile attack on a power plant: 导弹袭击发电厂

2. Missile strike on electricity supply: 导弹打击电力供应

3. Power plant targeted by missiles: 发电厂成为导弹目标

4. Attack on energy infrastructure: 能源基础设施遭受攻击

5. Military action against energy facilities: 行动针对能源设施


乌克兰能源: 导弹袭击乌发电是指乌克兰能源宣布,导弹袭击了乌克兰的发电厂,导致发电厂受损无法正常运行。这一短语通常用于报道或新闻中,用来描述导弹袭击导致的能源供应中断或受损情况。也可以用于性中,表示某国对另一采取行动。同义词包括:missile attack on a power plant、missile strike on electricity supply、power plant targeted by missiles、attack on energy infrastructure以及military action against energy facilities等。在撰写文章时,可以根据具体情况选择合适的同义词来表达。


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