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寄(ji) [dʒi]


1. 用邮递服务把东西送给某人,或把东西放在某处;邮寄

2. 把感情、希望等寄托在某人或某物上;寄予


3. 被送往某处;被寄放

How to pronounce: jee


1. 寄信给我吧,我会尽快回复你的。

Please send me a letter, I will reply you as soon as possible.

2. 她把所有的希望都寄托在了儿子身上。

She placed all her hopes on her son.

3. 我把行李寄存在了酒店前台。

I left my luggage at the hotel reception.

Example sentences:

1. 我今天早上去邮局寄了一封信给我的朋友。

I went to the post office this morning to send a letter to my friend.

2. 她每个月都会给家里寄一笔钱。

She sends money home every month.

3. 请不要忘记在明天之前把文件寄给我。

Please don't forget to send me the documents before tomorrow.

4. 她把所有的心思都寄托在了这次考试上。

She put all her thoughts into this exam.

5. 我们可以把这些衣服暂时寄存在朋友家里吗?

Can we leave these clothes at our friend's house for now?

Synonyms and usage:

1. 邮寄 (yóu jì) - to post, to mail

2. 送 (sòng) - to deliver, to send

3. 寄放 (jì fàng) - to store, to deposit

4. 托付 (tuō fù) - to entrust, to rely on

5. 信任 (xìn rèn) - to trust, to have faith in

Editor's summary:

寄 is a verb that means "to send something through the postal service or leave it at a certain place" or "to place one's hopes or feelings on someone or something". It can also refer to something being sent or deposited somewhere. It is pronounced as "ji" with the first tone and has various synonyms such as 邮寄, 送, 寄放, 托付 and 信任. Remember not to confuse it with the similar sounding word 寂 (jì), which means "lonely".


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