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jì zhēng rén yuán wén




1. 寄征人原文中充满了作者对家乡的思念和对未来的期待。

The original text of "Traveler Far from Home" is filled with the author's nostalgia for his hometown and his expectations for the future.

2. 陆游通过寄征人原文表达了自己对命运的无奈与生活的感悟。

Through "Traveler Far from Home", Lu You expresses his helplessness towards fate and his understanding of life.

3. 这首诗歌被广泛用于教育教学中,帮助学生理解诗歌艺术和传达作者情感。

This poem is widely used in education to help students understand the art of poetry and convey the author's emotions.

4. 寄征人原文可以被视为一首抒情诗,也可以被解读为一篇哲思文学作品。

"Traveler Far from Home" can be seen as a lyrical poem or interpreted as a philosophical literary work.

5. 陆游是古典诗歌史上最具影响力的诗人之一,寄征人原文也是他最著名的作品之一。

Lu You is one of the most influential poets in the history of classical Chinese poetry, and "Traveler Far from Home" is one of his most famous works.


1. 远行者 (yuǎn xíng zhě) - 也指旅行者,常用于文学作品中描述远离家乡的人物。

2. 流浪者 (liú làng zhě) - 指四处漂泊、无固定居所的人,与寄征人原文中的旅行者有相似之处。

3. 游子 (yóu zǐ) - 指离开家乡、在外漂泊生活的人,与寄征人原文中的主题相符合。

4. 颠沛流离 (diān pèi liú lí) - 形容生活在外漂泊、颠沛流离的境况,与寄征人原文中描写的情景有相似之处。

5. 漂泊 (piāo bó) - 指四处流浪、无所依靠,与寄征人原文中的旅行者命运相符合。


"Traveler Far from Home" is a famous poem written by the renowned Chinese poet Lu You. It depicts the feelings of a traveler who is far away from home and wandering in a foreign land. The poem is filled with nostalgia for his hometown, expectations for the future, and reflections on life. It can be used for poetry appreciation, literary research, and as a text for learning and understanding in education. Synonyms such as "traveler", "wanderer", "sojourner", "vagrant", and "drifting" can also be used to describe the theme of this poem. Overall, "Traveler Far from Home" is not only a masterpiece of Lu You's poetry but also a representative work of Chinese literature that reflects the universal emotions of longing for home and contemplating one's fate.


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