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英文:When parted for three days, watch with new eyes

音标:[wɛn pɑrtɪd fɔr θri dəz wɑtʃ wɪð nju aɪz]

二:怎么读(音标):[wɛn pɑrtɪd fɔr θri dəz wɑtʃ wɪð nju aɪz]



1. 他们两人分别去了不同的留学,在士别三日之后重逢时,彼此都有了很大的变化。

They both went to study in different countries, and when they met again after three days, they both had changed a lot.

2. 她和男朋友吵架后,决定给彼此一些空间,士别三日后再见面。

After a fight with her boyfriend, she decided to give each other some space and meet again after three days.

3. 这个短语来源于古代的典故,当时的人们认为士别三日,当刮目相待是一种必要的礼节。

This phrase originated from an ancient story, where people believed that it was necessary to watch with new eyes when parted for three days.

4. 在我们分开工作了一段时间后,我他已经有了很大的进步,士别三日,当刮目相待真的很重要。

After working apart for some time, I noticed that he had made great progress. Watching with new eyes after being parted for three days is really important.

5. 在这次旅行中,我们将会分开几天,但是我相信士别三日,当刮目相待之后,我们会更加珍惜彼此。

During this trip, we will be apart for a few days, but I believe that when we meet again after three days and watch with new eyes, we will cherish each other more.


1. 当重逢时,应该重新审视对方的表现和态度。[When reunited, one should reevaluate the other's behavior and attitude.]

2. 分离之后再见面时,应该重新认识对方。[When meeting again after separation, one should get to know the other person again.]

3. 在短暂的分离后,双方都会有所成长或者变化,需要重新认识对方。[After a brief separation, both parties may have grown or changed, requiring a reacquaintance.]



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