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吝 [lìn]


1. 吝啬的;不肯给予或付出的。

2. 吝啬的;缺乏慷慨的。

3. 不愿意给予或付出的。

How to pronounce: [lìn]


吝 is usually used to describe someone who is unwilling or reluctant to give or spend. It can also be used to describe someone who is stingy or lacking generosity.

Example sentences:

1. 她很吝啬,从来都不肯帮助别人。

She's very stingy and never willing to help others.

2. 他对自己很吝啬,却对朋友很大方。

He's very frugal with himself, but generous with his friends.

3. 我们应该学会慷慨,而不是吝啬。

We should learn to be generous instead of stingy.

4. 她一直被认为是个吝啬鬼,但其实她只是比较节俭。

She's always been seen as a miser, but she's just thrifty.

5. 他太吝啬了,连自己的孩子也不肯给钱买东西。

He's so stingy that he won't even give money to buy things for his own children.

Synonyms and usage:

1. 吝惜 [lìnxī] - to be reluctant or unwilling to give

2. 吝于 [lìnyú] - to be stingy or sparing in giving

3. 吝啬鬼 [lìnèguǐ] - miser, someone who is very stingy or reluctant to spend money

Editor's summary:

吝 is a word used to describe someone who is unwilling or reluctant to give or spend. It can also be used to describe someone who is stingy or lacking generosity. Some synonyms for 吝 include 吝惜, 吝于, and 吝啬鬼.


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