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PAAm is the abbreviation of Polyacrylamide, which is a type of high molecular compound with multiple functions. It is mainly used in water treatment, oil extraction and biomedical fields. It has excellent water absorption, retention and stability, and can be used to adsorb and separate impurities in solution, as well as a thickening agent and gelatinizer.


[PAAm] /piːeɪeɪem/



PAAm is mainly used in the field of water treatment as a coagulant to remove pollutants such as suspended solids, organic compounds and heavy metal ions from water. It is also widely used in oil extraction as a flooding agent to improve crude oil flow and increase production. In addition, PAAm is also used as a biomedical material, playing an important role in tissue engineering and drug delivery.


1. PAAm可以吸附水中的杂质,从而提高水质。

PAAm can adsorb impurities in water, thus improving water quality.

2. 在石油开采过程中,PAAm被用作驱油剂来提高产量。

In the process of oil extraction, PAAm is used as a flooding agent to increase production.

3. PAAm凝胶具有优异的稳定性,可以用来制备生物医学材料。

PAAm gel has excellent stability and can be used to prepare biomedical materials.

4. 这种聚合物凝胶是由PAAm和其他功能性单体构成的。

This polymer gel is composed of PAAm and other functional monomers.

5. 利用PAAm的保水性能,可以制备出高效的植物保湿剂。

By utilizing the water retention property of PAAm, highly efficient plant moisturizers can be prepared.


Polyacrylamide也可以简称为PAAM或者Acrylamide polymer,它们都指的是同一种化合物。此外,PAAm也可以用作Polyacrylamide的缩写形式。

Polyacrylamide can also be referred to as PAAM or Acrylamide polymer, which all refer to the same compound. In addition, PAAm can also be used as an abbreviation for Polyacrylamide.




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