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How to pronounce: [xià mén shì]

Usage: 厦门市 is used as a geographical name for the city of Xiamen.

Example sentences:

1. 我们计划下个月去厦门市旅游。

We are planning to travel to Xiamen next month.

2. 厦门市有很多美丽的海滩和风景名胜。

Xiamen has many beautiful beaches and scenic spots.

3. 厦门市是一座充满活力的现代化城市。

Xiamen is a vibrant modern city.

4. 这家公司总部设在厦门市。

The headquarters of this company is located in Xiamen.

5. 我在厦门市生活了十年,非常喜欢这座城市。

I have lived in Xiamen for ten years and I really love this city.

Synonyms and usage:

1. 随着旅游业的发展,厦门已经成为了一个热门旅游目的地。

With the development of tourism, Xiamen has become a popular tourist destination.

2. 厦门曾经被称为“鹭岛”,因为这里有很多鹭鸟。

Xiamen used to be called "Egret Island" because of the many egrets here.

3. 厦门市是一个重要的港口城市,也是对外贸易的重要门户。

Xiamen is an important port city and a major gateway for China's foreign trade.

4. 厦门市致力于打造一个宜居宜业的城市,吸引更多人来投资和生活。

The Xiamen municipal government is committed to creating a livable and business-friendly city, attracting more people to invest and live here.

5. 厦门市拥有丰富的海产品资源,海鲜是当地的特色美食。

Xiamen has abundant seafood resources and seafood is a local specialty.

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