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危如累卵(wēi rú lěi luǎn)是一个成语,意为非常危险,就像把鸡蛋放在一堆鸡蛋上面一样。形容局势或者处境非常危急。

How to read: wēi rú lěi luǎn


Usage: 通常用于形容局势或者处境非常危险,充满不确定性和风险。

Example sentences:

1. 这次考试对他来说就像是危如累卵,因为他只有一次机会。

This exam is like walking on thin ice for him, because he only has one chance.

2. 在经济危机的时候,每个企业都感觉自己处于危如累卵的状态。

During the economic crisis, every company feels like it's walking on thin ice.

3. 他的生命就像是一根细线,随时可能断裂,就像是危如累卵。

His life is like a thin thread, which could break at any moment, just like walking on thin ice.

4. 那个的局势非常不稳定,在这种情况下做生意就像是在危如累卵。

The political situation in that country is very unstable, doing business there is like walking on thin ice.

5. 她每天都感觉自己处于工作岌岌可危的状态,就像是危如累卵。

She feels like she's on thin ice at work every day, just like walking on thin ice.

Synonyms and usage:

1. 如履薄冰(rú lǚ bó bīng):像是在薄冰上行走,形容处境非常危险。

2. 岌岌可危(jí jí kě wēi):非常危险,随时可能出现灾难性的情况。

3. 危机四伏(wēi jī sì fú):处处都是危险,充满了不确定性和风险。

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