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击 (jī)


英 [dʒɪk]

美 [dʒɪk]


1. 打击; 击打

2. 冲击; 撞击

3. 击败; 打败

4. 突然而强烈地影响或伤害




1. 作为动词,表示用力打或撞击某物。

例句:He was hit by a car and knocked to the ground. (他被一辆汽车撞到并摔倒在地。)

2. 作为名词,表示打或撞击的动作。

例句:The boxer delivered a powerful punch to his opponent's face. (拳击手对他的对手的脸部发出了一记有力的拳头。)

3. 作为动词,表示战胜或征服某人或某物。

例句:The team was determined to win and they finally struck their opponents down with a resounding victory. (这支球队决心要赢,最终他们以压倒性的胜利打败了对手。)

4. 作为名词,表示突然而强烈地影响或伤害。

例句:The economy was hit hard by the recession and many people lost their jobs. (经济受到了经济衰退的重创,许多人失去了工作。)


1. The boxer delivered a powerful punch to his opponent's face, knocking him out cold. (拳击手对他的对手的脸部发出了一记有力的拳头,把他打晕了。)

2. The earthquake hit the city with a force of 7 on the Richter scale, causing widespread damage. (地震以里氏7级的强度袭击了这座城市,造成了广泛的破坏。)

3. The team was determined to win and they finally struck their opponents down with a resounding victory, securing their spot in the finals. (这支球队决心要赢,最终他们以压倒性的胜利打败了对手,确保了他们在决赛中的位置。)

4. The economy was hit hard by the recession and many people lost their jobs, leading to an increase in poverty levels. (经济受到了经济衰退的重创,许多人失去了工作,导致贫困水平上升。)

5. The news of his sudden death hit his family like a ton of bricks, leaving them devastated and heartbroken. (他突然去世的消息像一块沉重的石头一样打击着他的家人,让他们心碎和悲伤不已。)


1. strike: 作为动词时表示用力打击或攻击某物。

例句:He struck the nail with a hammer until it was firmly in place. (他用锤子敲打钉子,直到它牢固地固定在那里。)

2. hit: 作为动词时表示用力打或撞击某物。

例句:The ball hit the window with a loud thud. (球发出巨大的撞击声撞击窗户。)

3. beat: 作为动词时表示连续的打击或敲打。

例句:He beat the drum with all his might, creating a loud and rhythmic sound. (他全力敲打鼓,发出响亮而有节奏的声音。)




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