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1. 你看吧,我就说会发生的。的意思是指某件事情发生后,事实证明自己之前的预言或推测是正确的。这句话通常用于表达自己对某件事情的肯定性和自信心。


What does "你看吧,我就说会发生的。" mean?

Pronunciation: nǐ kàn ba, wǒ jiù shuō huì fāshēng de.

2. 怎么读:nǐ kàn ba, wǒ jiù shuō huì fāshēng de. (音标:nǐ kàn ba, wǒ jiù shuō huì fāshēng de.)

How to pronounce "你看吧,我就说会发生的。": nǐ kàn ba, wǒ jiù shuō huì fāshēng de.

3. 用法:这句话可以作为一种口头表达方式,用来强调自己对某件事情的肯定性和自信心。也可以在文字表达中使用,表达类似的意思。

Usage: This phrase can be used as a way of oral expression to emphasize one's certainty and confidence in something. It can also be used in written expression to convey a similar meaning.

4. 例句:

1) A: 我觉得今天会下雨。

B: 你看吧,我就说会发生的。

A: I think it will rain today.

B: You'll see, I told you so.

2) A: 我认为我们会成功。

B: 你看吧,我就说会发生的。

A: I believe we will succeed.

B: You'll see, I told you so.

3) A: 我觉得他会来参加我们的聚会。

B: 你看吧,我就说会发生的。

A: I think he will come to our party.

B: You'll see, I told you so.

4) A: 我猜想这个方案会被接受。

B: 你看吧,我就说会发生的。

A: I guess this plan will be accepted.

B: You'll see, I told you so.

5) A: 我有预感明天会是个好天气。

B: 你看吧,我就说会发生的。

A: I have a feeling that tomorrow will be a good weather.

B: You'll see, I told you so.


Example sentences:

1) A: I think it will rain today.

B: You'll see, I told you so.

2) A: I believe we will succeed.

B: You'll see, I told you so.

3) A: I think he will come to our party.

B: You'll see, I told you so.

4) A: I guess this plan will be accepted.

B: You'll see, I told you so.

5) A: I have a feeling that tomorrow will be a good weather.

B: You'll see, I told you so.

5. 同义词及用法:

1) 你看吧,我就说会发生的。可以用"你瞧,我早就知道了。"来替换,意思相同。

2) "我就说会发生的。"也可以用"果然如此。"来表达。

3) 除了以上两种表达方式,也可以使用类似的口语表达,如:"我就知道了。"、"果然没错。"

Synonyms and usage:

1) "你看吧,我就说会发生的。" can be replaced by "你瞧,我早就知道了。", which has the same meaning.

2) "我就说会发生的。" can also be expressed as "果然如此。".

3) Apart from the above two expressions, similar colloquial expressions can also be used, such as: "我就知道了。", "果然没错。"

6. 编辑总结:



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