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何足挂齿(hé zú guà chǐ)是一个成语,意思是指某件事物或某个人值得称道、令人满意,具有很高的价值和重要性。它可以用来形容某件事物或某个人的优点或成就非常突出,令人印象深刻,让人感到自豪和自满。

How to pronounce: hé zú guà chǐ




Example sentences:

1. 这次比赛中,小明表现出色,获得了第一名,真是何足挂齿啊!

In this competition, Xiaoming performed outstandingly and won the first place. It's really something to be proud of!

2. 这部电影的特效做得非常精彩,可谓是何足挂齿。

The special effects in this movie are done brilliantly, it can be said that they are something to be proud of.

3. 他一生都致力于公益事业,为社会做出了巨大贡献,真是何足挂齿。

He devoted his whole life to public welfare and made great contributions to society. He is truly someone to be proud of.

4. 这家公司的产品质量一直很好,深受消费者的信赖,可谓是何足挂齿。

The product quality of this company has always been excellent and is highly trusted by consumers. It can be said that they are something to be proud of.

5. 她是一个多才多艺的人,不仅会唱歌跳舞,还擅长绘画和写作,真是何足挂齿的女孩。

She is a multi-talented person, not only can sing and dance, but also good at painting and writing. She is truly a girl to be proud of.

Synonyms and usage:

1. 值得称道(zhí dé chēng dào):指某件事物或某个人值得赞扬和称赞。

2. 令人满意(lìng rén mǎn yì):指某件事物或某个人给人以满意的感觉。

3. 有价值(yǒu jià zhí):指某件事物或某个人具有一定的价值和重要性。

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