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Traditional customs refer to long-standing behavioral norms or practices that are widely accepted and followed by a social group. In different cultural contexts, traditional customs may vary, but they all share similar characteristics: being recognized and respected by people and considered as social norms.


音标:[trəˈdɪʃənl ˈkʌstəmz]


Traditional customs [trəˈdɪʃənl ˈkʌstəmz]



Traditional customs are usually inherited from ancestors, and in some cases, they may be influenced by factors such as religion, history, or geography. They can involve etiquette in daily life, festivals and celebrations, marriage customs, dietary habits, etc., as well as deeper aspects such as social moral norms and values. In most cases, traditional customs are regarded as cultural heritage and are respected and followed by people.


1. 在这个地区,婚礼的习俗是新娘要穿上传统的红色嫁衣。

In this region, the custom for weddings is for the bride to wear a traditional red wedding dress.

2. 人有一个传统习惯,在过年期间要贴春联和窗花。

Chinese people have a traditional custom of pasting couplets and window decorations during the Chinese New Year.

3. 在日本,人们会在每年的4月初举行樱花节,这已经成为了一种习俗。

In Japan, people celebrate the Cherry Blossom Festival every year in early April, which has become a tradition.

4. 韩国人有一个传统习惯,在生日时要吃冷面,以祈求长寿。

Koreans have a traditional custom of eating cold noodles on birthdays to wish for longevity.

5. 欧洲许多都有在圣诞节期间送礼物的传统习惯。

Many European countries have a tradition of giving gifts during Christmas.


1. 习俗 (custom):指社会群体中长期以来被广泛遵循的行为准则或做法,也可以指某个地区或的传统做法。

2. 传统 (tradition):指长期以来被保留下来的某种信仰、价值观或行为模式,也可以用来形容某个社会群体的文化特征。

3. 风俗 (mores):指社会群体中普遍接受并且被视为规范的道德准则和行为规范。

4. 习惯 (habit):指个人或群体在日常生活中养成的一种固定的行为方式,可能包含一些传统习俗。

5. 规矩 (etiquette):指社会上普遍认可和遵守的礼仪规范,也可以用来形容某种行为准则。




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