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wǔ zuò



1. 仵作是指古代官员中负责处理死者遗体的官员,也称为“仵人”或“仵官”。

2. 读音:wǔ zuò,注音:ㄨˇ ㄗㄨㄛˋ。

3. 用法:作为一个名词,仵作通常用来指代古代官员中负责处理死者遗体的官员。在现代汉语中,这个词也可以用来比喻那些专门从事尸体解剖和解剖学研究的人员。

4. 例句:

(1) 古代的仵作是非常重要的官员,他们负责处理死者遗体,保证其得到合适的安葬。

In ancient times, the wuzuo was a very important official who was responsible for handling the bodies of the deceased and ensuring they were properly buried.

(2) 这个医院里有一位专门从事尸体解剖研究的仵作,他对人体结构非常了解。

There is a wuzuo in this hospital who specializes in anatomical research on corpses, and he has a great understanding of human anatomy.

5. 同义词及用法:

(1) 仵人:与仵作意思相同,都是指古代负责处理死者遗体的官员。

Wuren: has the same meaning as wuzuo, both referring to ancient officials responsible for handling the bodies of the deceased.

(2) 尸解:指尸体解剖,也可以指从事尸体解剖研究的人员。

Shijie: refers to corpse dissection, and can also refer to those who specialize in anatomical research on corpses.

6. 编辑总结:



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